Soles for Jesus
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
The Mission
To provide new and gently used shoes to the people of Africa who desperately need them.
Why shoes? 
Barefoot children who are homeless or living in extreme poverty risk injury while searching for food or household items in garbage dumps and abandoned buildings, or while walking through open sewers and contaminated paths. Shoes lower the risk of injury, but they are simply not affordable when a person is struggling to eat.
Many serious health conditions start with the feet. Cracks, cuts and injuries are almost never treated and can lead to serious infections, amputations and even death.
In addition to external abrasions, a bare foot is particularly at risk of infection by hookworm. Children living in Africa are about 60 times more likely to be infected by hookworm than in other parts of the world. Transmission of the hookworm parasite can be directly linked to walking barefoot in unsanitary conditions and it causes debilitating health issues if not treated properly.
Right now, 40% of primary age school children in sub-Saharan Africa are not attending school. One reason is linked to a child’s access to shoes. Shoes are normally required as part of the school uniform, so without shoes, many children are unable to attend their classes.
Those who receive our shoes hear the message of Jesus and are given personal copies of the Gospel message, written in their language. Soles for Jesus believes that sharing shoes, along with the message of Jesus Christ, has the power to change a life.
Ways you can help
- Donate financially – A donation of $30 can send 15 pairs of shoes.
- Donate Shoes – They collect all sizes and kinds of shoes in any condition. Donations of shoe laces are also appreciated.
- Shoe Drive – Participate in our neighborhood shoe drive the first 3 weeks of May. Ask your neighbors for any shoes they would like to donate and drop them off at church.
- Volunteer – Those 12 and older may volunteer for 2 hours to help sort the shoes. See their web site to schedule volunteer time.
- Spread the word – Tell others about Soles for Jesus. Let’s make it so that no shoes end up in American landfills. Ask friends and family to collect shoes or volunteer with you.
- Purchase Soles for Jesus T-shirts
- Pray for this ministry
It is estimated that over one billion pairs of unworn shoes are taking up space in U.S. basements and closets. Some are outdated or outgrown, but many of them are in good condition and considered a treasure in a developing country.
Shoes of any kind, in any condition, even “unwearable”, are accepted. Soles for Jesus provides shoes to people in Africa which helps prevent both injury and disease and allows children to attend school. No shoe ever needs to end up as landfill.