Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 21
Pastor Ryan Kiblinger continues his teaching through the Heidelberg Catechism. In this twenty-first installment, Pastor Ryan explores questions 54, 55, and 56. These questions are "What do you believe ...
Such Faith as This
Sermon preached online by Pastor Ryan Kiblinger for Sunday, August 16th, 2020. Scripture Text: Matthew 15:21 - 28. Watch the sermon here.
Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 20
Pastor Ryan Kiblinger continues his teaching through the Heidelberg Catechism. In this twentieth installment, Pastor Ryan explores question 52. This question states, "What do you believe concerning th ...
The True and Right Object of Our Faith
Sermon preached online by Pastor Ryan Kiblinger for Sunday, August 9th, 2020. Scripture Text: Matthew 14:22 - 33. Watch the sermon here.
Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 19
Pastor Ryan Kiblinger continues teaching through the Heidelberg Catechism. In this nineteenth installment, Pastor Ryan explores questions 50, 51, and 52. These questions are "Why is it added, and sits ...
Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 18
Pastor Ryan Kiblinger continues his teaching through the Heidelberg Catechism. In this eighteenth installment, Pastor Ryan explores questions 46, 47, 48, and 49. These questions are "What do you confe ...
Count the Cost
Sermon preached online by Pastor Ryan Kiblinger for Sunday, July 26th, 2020. Scripture Text: Matthew 13:31 - 33, 44 - 52. Watch the sermon here.
Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 17
Pastor Ryan Kiblinger continues his teaching through the Heidelberg Catechism. In this seventeenth installment, Pastor Ryan examines question 45. This question is "How does Christ's resurrection benef ...
Wheat and Tares
Sermon preached online by Pastor Ryan Kiblinger, Sunday July 19, 2020. Scripture Text: Matthew 13:24 - 30, 36 - 43. Watch sermon here.