
Feed6 organizes meal packaging events in the Chicagoland area, partnering with schools, churches, corporations, and civic organizations. Volunteers come together to package nutritional meals fortified with soy and vitamins – producing an entree many times more nutritious than popular brands available in the supermarket. Each meal package the volunteers lovingly assemble has 6 meal portions. The meals are distributed locally through food banks to food insecure neighbors locally.

Ways you can help:

1.  Donate – All of the food is purchased with donations –   it is not donated by the suppliers.  Each meal costs 38 cents

2.  Volunteer – 2 hour shifts are available in throughout the Chicagoland area. Go to https://www.feed6.org/upcoming.html to see upcoming events.  Go with a group or as an individual.  Anyone over 5 years old may volunteer.

3.  Spread the word – tell others about Feed6.

4.  Pray for Feed6, those receiving the food and the volunteers who pack the food.